The Best Parental Control App to Block Apps on iPhone

With mSpy Monitoring for parental control, you can track Messages, Call Logs, and more of the target iPhone anytime, anywhere remotely without jailbreaking or rooting the target mobile phone. You can track all activities and block apps on iPhone.

  • Monitor WhatsApp, Call Logs, Text messages
  • Internet use, Installed Applications, Contacts and more
  • Compatible with iOS 7 and Android 4 to current
  • Quick setup, user-friendly interface
  • Monitor your child’s cell phone remotely.

As technology becomes an integral part of our daily lives, it becomes increasingly important for parents to be aware of the relationship technology has with their children. Some children have an average of 4 to 7 hours, which makes them quite disconnected from the real world.

Instead, parents should educate their children about how to have a balanced life where they can enjoy the benefits and entertainment offered by technology, stay healthy and be active, both mentally and physically.

the best app blocker and parental control for iPhone

That's why it's so important to know about parental control apps and the features they can bring to your family life. Today, we're going to explore all there is to know about mSpy, one of the latest parental control apps and solutions blocking iPhone apps.

Features to look for in parental control apps

A decent parental control app must have two main features: blocking and filtering.

Blocking is where you have the ability to block access to a feature or app so your kids can not access it. This prevents them from using the application excessively and then pausing.

The second characteristic; Filtering is designed to prevent your children from accessing inappropriate content that is not acceptable to their age group. This may include pornography, gambling sites, violent material and inappropriate games.

All of these features can be broken down in different ways and can be provided using different methods. Please find out how mSpy is the best iPhone blocker, please use it.

mSpy - The best app blocker and parental control for iPhone

Since mSpy comes with a dedicated application blocker function, you will be able to choose when and if your children have access to their applications. For example, if they are at school, you can disable access to all apps until lunch time.

In this way, you can make sure your child is able to concentrate and can focus on what he is doing. Of course, if you have not blocked the application, you will be able to see what time they are and for how long.

If your child behaves badly and you have threatened to take away his game privileges, you can also block access to an app immediately by simply pressing a button on your own phone.

Note: Although mSpy is installed on your child's device, the parent version will be installed on yours. This allows you to change any settings, regardless of your child's phone.

In addition, to make things easier, you will also need to set a schedule. This is where you can decide for each application the times at which you can access the application. For example, you might want to block Facebook during school hours between 19:00 and 21:00.

You can also block all applications at bedtime, so your child can sleep properly. All this is possible from the mSpy application. As with application planning, you can also run the same process for the entire device. So, if you want to stop the phone completely during bedtime (or any pre-set time), it's quite possible.

How to use the mSpy iPhone App blocker

mSpy has facilitated the blocking application when you need to apply blocking quickly. In fact, here is the simple step by step guide on how to do it.

Step# 1 After installing mSpy on you and your child's phone, open the application on your phone and find yourself in the main menu. Please press the "Application blocking" option.

The best app blocker and parental control for iPhone

Step# 2 You will see here a list of all the applications installed on your child's device. At the top of the screen, you can switch access to all applications or set a time limit which only allows access to e der the device.

The best app blocker and parental control for iPhone

Why mSpy?

In addition to this iPhone application blocking feature, mSpy also offers a range of other features that you can explore and benefit from. Some of the best are listed below.

  • Device usage tracking

In addition to seeing how each application is used, you will also see how the entire device is used. It tells you how long your child is using their device, what apps they use the most and what time they spend on the device.

This is how you can make all the right decisions regarding the blocking app and knowing the life of the phones.

  • Real-time location monitoring

By using GPS tracking technology inside your child's device, you can track your child's location in real time. It is so that you know exactly where you are and make sure they are where they should be.

You can also check your child's location history in the past few days and even set up geolocations that can send you a notification if your child enters a certain area.

  • Remote Control

As mentioned above, unlike other parental control apps, you will not need to access your child's phone to make changes. Instead, you can simply apply the changes to your own device, and they will be activated instantly no matter where your child is.

  • Web Content Management

There is a lot of dangerous content on the Internet that your child could be exposed to. Instead, this feature lets you toggle content filters that can block certain types of content as you see fit.

In addition, you will be able to access the link of a particular website to block it completely. You can even set it up to receive notification if your child tries to access the website even if it's blocked.


As you can see, mSpy is one of the most powerful and feature-rich iPhone application control and parental control solutions. It is available for Android and iOS devices and comes with everything you need to be a modern and responsible parent.

Plus, there's even a free three-day trial so you can test the app for yourself, so you can make sure it's right for you!


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