The Best Parental Control App for Your Child's Smartphone

With mSpy Monitoring for parental control, you can track Messages, Call Logs, and more of the target iPhone anytime, anywhere remotely without jailbreaking or rooting the target mobile phone. You can set up parental control of the device too.

  • Monitor WhatsApp, Call Logs, Text messages
  • Internet use, Installed Applications, Contacts and more
  • Compatible with iOS 7 and Android 4 to current
  • Quick setup, user-friendly interface
  • Monitor and control your child’s cell phone remotely.

Tips to Control Anger with Your Children

Anger is a primitive, spontaneous, fundamental but temporary neurophysiological feeling triggered by a kind of backlash and often considered an uncomfortable state. Anger is real, powerful- but it must not be denied, feared or considered in itself. There are different reasons for aggression of a child. Whether it is caused by brain patterns (stress and trauma), genetic predisposition, brain injury or mental illness, parenting style and attachment, the important thing to remember is that the child does not have much control over his behavior.


Tips to help control the anger of your children

  • Be a model. Children often model the behavior they see. If a parent uses verbal or physical aggression, it is more likely that children will have aggression problems. The way you handle your frustration and anger will affect your child. Giving a good example is a sure way to deal with the problems of aggression or imminent anger.


  • Physical strategies such as gym exercise, yoga, sports, mindfulness have proven to be effective in helping young people calm their nerves and control their lifestyle choices. healthy behavior.


  • Let them talk. Ask them calmly to explain the cause of their anger. Talking about the problem can help some children overcome anger and calm down.


  • The importance of good behavior. Tell your child that you recognize and notice when he is treating his anger appropriately and positively.


  • Stay connected and connected. When you're upset, let your child know that you understand how he feels and would like to help.


  • Help your child develop emotional intelligence. Children who are comfortable with how they feel are able to handle their anger more constructively.


  • Making learning fun by giving your kids constant lessons about why their behavior and actions are wrong will probably not be effective and cause more behavioral difficulties. Participate a bit of their imagination by playing the fashion they want. In this way, you can control the aggressive turns they can take.


  • Do not try to orchestrate their feelings. Valorize what they live. If they are hurt and cry, do not tell them, "Stop crying," validate their experience by saying, "I know it hurts; it would make me cry too. "This will make you an ally instead of a target of angry flames and anxiety.


  • Do not ignore them to calm down. This usually leads to more destructive behavior. Therefore, no waiting times, no isolation. Incorporate the methods discussed in this publication: work on breathing with your children.


  • Set clear standards for acceptable and unacceptable behaviors. Although we want to validate what our child feels, allowing these emotions does not translate into acceptance of bad behavior. By limiting their aggressive behavior, you establish a security container for your feelings.


We do not have to look far for the causes of our children's anger; technology is a big contributor in itself. A study has proven to be as harmless as the games may seem innocent on a tablet or mobile device, but they are a complete attack on the senses (what scientists call sensory overload).

One of the main causes of frustration and anger in children is lack of concentration. When a child's mind is so entangled in following the last game or application, he loses the ability to focus on everything around him. The real world becomes an intrinsically exasperation.

Removing a child's mobile device today will make them panic by sending a rage to anyone. The screen addiction is as bad as we think. Chemically, the child's dependence on his mobile device relies on the hormone, dopamine released into the brain and just like an addict, your child may develop dopamine sensitivities that affect motivation and mood.

Yes, technology influences how our children respond to the real world and the people who are part of it. If their use is not regulated, we will probably create robots that can not feel empathic. This undoubtedly implies the need for parental control over these gadgets that have a little child.

mSpy is a free parental control Internet filtering software that allows you to keep an eye on the access of your Internet kids, how long do they have access to these sites and even keep an eye on your parenting skills and following kids in real time.

real-time tracking

mSpy Parental Control Features

  1. Locate the location in real time and geolocation. You can easily keep track of your children's location without having to constantly ask where they are. The live location is automatically updated on your device when you open the app or sign in to your mSpy account.
  2. real-time tracking

  3. mSpy has an application blocker and an activity monitor. You can block the use of the application during the study or sleep time, monitor the use of your phone by your children, installed applications, social networking applications, the most used applications ... etc. .
  4. application blocking

  5. Web content filter. You can keep your children away from potential online threats by blocking all inappropriate or unwanted websites containing harmful content such as pornography, gambling, violence ... etc.
  6. Web Content Filter

  7. Time tracking and screen controls. You can monitor how your children use their phones, set screen time limits and make sure they can not use their phones while studying and sleeping or in specific places like their room and school.
  8. Flexible remote setting and customization. No need to manipulate your child's phones, once the application is installed, you can ensure that everything is configured from your own device.

It is much easier to control the problem if you know what is the source of the anger and how far it can go. It is best to control anger against children if you know the cause of their aggression or frustration. The Internet, mobile devices, tablets ... etc are grouped together. With screen addiction being the important element in the room, children have ignored the world around them. This lack of interaction with the real world is what causes them to be aggressive towards others because they have not learned to interact outside of their virtual time in front of their screens.

mSpy Parental Control will help you heal what is treatable (digital addiction), a major cause of anger and frustration problems in children that will be effective in controlling their anger.

How to control anger with children is very important but we must first recognize and understand what triggered or caused anger. In addition, the fruit does not fall so far from the tree which means that most of the time, your children will model what is right in front of them. The verbal and physical aggression on your part as a parent will eventually be reproduced by them. Pass on your own values ​​by showing them that they must always seek more constructive solutions to conflicts and disagreements.


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